» Ear Tag Central » Official '840' Tags
Official '840' Tags |
EarTagCentral.com, owned by DHIA Services, is a USDA approved AIN (Animal Identification Number) or '840' Tag Manager. These Official '840' tags/devices comply with the requirements of the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) for both visual and electronic identification. NAIS is a cooperative and voluntary program between federal, state and industry officials, and provides for a standardized information system to aid state and federal animal health authorities in the event of an animal-health disease incident or outbreak.
EarTagCentral.com only offers approved '840' devices for sale on its web site. A complete list of all USDA approved '840' tags/devices may be found on the links page of EarTagCentral.com.
Producers who voluntarily choose to use Official '840' tags/devices should take the following steps:
Register your premise and obtain a Premise Identification Number (PIN). If you have already registered your premise, please proceed to step 2.
Register with EarTagCentral.com. You will be asked to provide customer information and your PIN. Please be sure the premise address and the PIN address match, as your PIN will be validated. Also, please provide a daytime contact number in case questions arise when validating your PIN.
Select the Official '840' tags/devices and place them in your shopping cart.
Complete your order by checking for the accuracy of order and securely paying with a credit card.
An invoice for products ordered will be emailed to the email address provided when registering.
EarTagCentral.com will process your order for Official '840' tags/devices as follows:
EarTagCentral will validate the PIN during the next business day. If the PIN is validated, the order is sent to the device manufacturer for fulfillment.
If your PIN cannot be validated, a representative from EarTagCentral.com or your local DHIA affiliate will contact you using the phone number provided and/or by email to resolve the validation.
The device manufacturer will conduct a secondary PIN validation.
Your order will be processed and shipped directly to the address provided.
An electronic file containing the official '840' device numbers will be made available to you.
This process is designed to meet the requirements of USDA-NAIS program as well as provide a streamlined, hassle-free tag buying experience.
EarTagCentral thanks you for your business!